Becca released the first/preliminary sketches of Patch and Nora from the HUSH HUSH Graphic Novel (coming later this year from Sea Lion Books) on her blog today. We can't wait to hear your thoughts - PLEASE tell us in the comments.
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I really don't like to "dog" on what people do because everyone has their vision but for remember I said me that these drawings are like they are from a different book because they don't resemble Patch and Nora AT ALL and I feel bad to say that. Please, does anyone else agree?
a mi no me gusta :/
nora deberia tener mas rizos definidos y patch un cuerpo mas fornido, no tan esbelto. lamento decirlo pero no estoy de acuerdo. Amo los libros jajaja
I DO NOT LIKE PATCH! OMG! I always thought of Patch cuter and with a longer hair. this Nora is to hot super sexy and looks older, i do not like her. I think they should make them again. Nothing like the book. nothing like i pictured them.
I thought I may have been harsh so I took awhile and came back for a second look and sorry but no change in opinion! Nora is really really to....easy looking and old, plain and not sexy enough. He looks like Patch's older brother. Man I hate to say these things.
LOL Aurora, i agree with you!! i will be honest Nora look like a hooker!!! Nora does not look like Nora and Patch does not Look like Patch!! this is all WRONG!!
Siacia estoy de acuerdo con vos!!!
I hate to be a downer, but Patch looks like he's around 30 years old and isn't very attractive. I realize that it's virtually impossible to please everyone, but by the looks of the other comments, the majority of people feel the same. I also feel that Nora looks a little to mature for how she is described in the books. Maybe the artist needs to bring a more youthful approach to them and follow the descriptions given in the books as a better guideline.
This is not how I imagined any of the characters AT ALL. I imagined Nora as shorter, with long, dark hair and no belly showing--that's just slutty. And Patch...also shorter, with a hot body and sort of long, shaggy hair. And HOT. That's not hot at all.
I don't mean to sound cruel or negative but i'm going to give my honest opinion on these rough sketches.
Nora looks easy. She looks like she'd hop into bed with just about anyone. Especially with the really low cut shorts in the second sketch of her.
Patch looks like he lives out of a cardboard box in an alley.
I think patch should have a better drawing as bigger build,longer hair and look younger :) nora looks needs to change more as she looks older than 16 !!! :D
patch needs to look like drew doyon in other words!!!! :D
not to be rude but they dont look anything what i imagined Patch and Nora looking like. The character of Nora looks too sexy and Patch doesnt look sexy. Sorry :/
I havent read your books but i am wanting to is there anyway that you have put hush hush on ebook?
I have to agree with everyone else. Nora looks way to mature and sexy. Patch, at first I thought it was a werewolf. He's supposed to be the sexy one. This picture is not. There's nothing mysterious or dangerous about this image. As someone else mentioned they should start with Drew and go from there. Sorry. Apparently we may not all have the same images in our head for what Nora and Patch should look like be we can all agree these drawing are not it.
Did the artists even read the books?
Nora definitely shouldn't be that sexy. Those shorts... They don't even deserve to be even considered shorts. They resemble underwear way too easily. She's showing way too much skin. It's not a story of a stripper falling in love with an angel!
Patch? He looks like he should be on 90210. Way too boy-next-door.
I like Nora, she looks better than I thought. I believe it's her midriff-baring top that everyone is disareeing on.
Patch looks more like Scott to me. He doesn't have that mysterious sexy look. I can't think of anyone in real life that looks like Patch cause he's just so uniquely hot in my imagination. Probably have the hair a little bit longer and younger looking.
I like how Nora looks even though I imagined her to be more willowy. she has the body I imagine Vee having. As for, I don't like him much. I imagine him to be a bit more emo looking with longer hair...I will buy the graphic novel regardless, but I'm afraid they will change hoe i see them in my minds eye.
I think Nora looks like a generic pretty girl. There's no character in this depiction.
Patch is worse. At first glance I though I was looking at the bouncer for Bo's. He looks about 40 and is not attractive. Sorry.
The second Nora looks way too much like Marcie Millar. Wasn't she supposed to have curly hair and wear ballerina shoes?
Patch is just not patch. I will not like the graphic novel if he's really going to look like that.
Patch looks way too dark, like in the hair. He needs to be lighter, mor slight (less bulky) and WEARING A BASEBALL CAP!!!!! (duh!)
I agree when said that Nora looks way too much like Marcie Miller. She needs to have more curly hair, and slightly more modest clothes, especially in Figure 2. Other than that, she looks pretty hot.
Nora looks too sexy, I pictured her to look a bit more modest and not all the way trampy... I hate posting comments like these :/ since I know I might get hate throwing at me. And, Patch-the sketch-looks too horrific, like he literally looks like he can pass as my 24 year old cousin. I pictured Patch to be a lot more hotter and like everyone else said, his hair a bit more longer.
I love the books, dont get me wrong, but this is NOT AT ALL what I imagined them to look like. Patch's hair should be longer and ya... and is that Nora? Cuz she looks like some type of hooker, slut person. she looks too old.. I imagined her more modist, not belly hangin out! Not trying to hate, just saying what I truly belive..
Oh man! I was really excited about this graphic novel but they got this all wrong! I sure hope they fix this otherwise I and many other fans will be deeply disappointed.
Sorry but they should do better than this. Patch is like every girl's dream guy and the graphic Patch didn't give any justice to that characteristic. And for Nora, she's too plain and simple. Please do better, we're all excited for this =)
Patch is just wrong. And Nora needs big curls in her hair, more clothes, and needs to be shorter and less trendy. When i first looked at this i though it Marcie Millar. Nora also looks too old for 16. She doesn't have a teenagers face.
For a rough idea, i think they're fine, but for the set drawings for Patch and Nora, i dont think they resemble the characters in any way. I always thought that Nora's curls would be like little tight ringlets that just sat above her shoulders, and she always sounded so smartly dressed, i cant really picture her in a top that shows her bellybutton. As for Patch, i think the dark and mysterious, bad boy attitude doesn't shine through as it should, he needs to broader, with longer hair, and may i add, where's his signature baseball cap?
Nora está muito Linda.
Mas aquele desenho alí,
não parece com Patch.
I love how Nora looks. I love how mature she appears here. I agree with some on Patch. I picture him with his black (well fit) T-shirt and black jeans. I picture his arms being nicely shaped, his hair being longer, like a shag, but a neat shag. and just over all a bit darker and sexy.
I love how the characters appear more mature.. I personally wouldn't be nearly as attracted to the characters if they looked like young baby faced teenagers. I have never pictured them this way while reading the books. A specially with all the sexual tension and mature thoughts that come from them.
Great job so far! I am excited to see the outcome and final stages!
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