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FallenArchangel Feature |
As we mentioned earlier on the blog, We are currently featuring WITHER by Lauren DeStefano
In WITHER .....
...Rhine Ellery has four years left to live. She can thank modern science for this genetic time bomb. A botched effort to create a perfect race has left all males with a lifespan of 25 years, and females with a lifespan of 20 years. Geneticists are seeking a miracle antidote to restore the human race, desperate orphans crowd the population....
If you knew your lifespan was going to be only 20 or 25 years long what would you want to make sure you accomplished before you reached that age?? Would you want to find true love, career success, travel the world, etc, etc ???? Tell us your thoughts in the comments and make sure to include your email address so that we can contact you if you are randomly selected as a winner!
i think I'd travel the world, fall in love, and write a book :)
i would LOVE to do all of those :)
my email: camillemariemorales@hotmail.com
also, does living in Puerto Rico mean i can't enter?
If I knew I only lived until I was 20 I would want to travel the world and fall in love as many times as I was able too
Denise J
Denisemadnes at yahoo dot comde
Hmm if I only lived until 20, I would want to fall in love & travel the world. I wouldn't worry about anything else.
I would want to make sure my children had what it took to live comfortably for a years. Providing a college fund would be nice too. As far as myself....I would want to make sure that people in my life knew that they were loved. Pretty simple stuff really....
Jen @ I Read Banned Books
jenbigheart at yahoo dot com
I would love to travel the world and fall in love! Or at least experience love (maybe the kind of love you share with a sister who is more like your other half). Awesome contest!!
First, I'd want to travel the world, write and publish a novel, and fall in love. Then I'd want to do something important like donate to charities or help poverty and animal abuse so that I could at least leave a positive impact in the world.
I'm not sure I would travel. If I only lived until twenty, I would want to spent that time with the people I loved. So I would want to be in love. I don't need to go anywhere though. Just spend time with them. Do things with them.
Wow. To die at only twenty years old? Hmm...
I would like to follow my dreams and travel the world as a photographer, but seeing as that takes years (much longer than I would have if I were to die at 20) I wouldn't waste my time trying to be "discovered" or to start my business anymore. I would merely travel the world for about two to three years (I'm sixteen), and take those photos to create the only true memories that make living worth wild. I'd want to find myself, discover who I am. It would be nice to maybe find love along the way [I'm a sucker for romance novels ;)] and hopefully sharing the memories with my loved one. I would just want to be with him until the end, as I hope he would me. It's abut living a full life, no matter the amount you have, as long as you know who you are, what you want to to/be, and when you feel satisfied enough that you lived the way you always dreamed. :)
It seems like a compelling story and it definitely drew me in just by the summary. Can't wait to read it sometime. :) Good luck to everyone and congrats to the winners! :D
Peace, Love, and More Love! ;) <3
Email: orcdorcchic@yahoo.com
It's a weird thought to think that I would already be... dead. It's hard to think of yourself as gone, your life over. To sound cliched, I'd love to travel the world and write as much as I can down in the hopes that after I'm gone someone else would read my adventures.
moonglo at gmail dot com
If i were to only live for 20 years,i feel that it would be spent on doing something for myself, and for others, such as creating some sort of organization to help countries suffering from a natural disaster. I would want to leave the world having left some sort of an impression on the people i have left behind. However, what's the point of having success when it can't be shared with those you love? Before i pass, i would want to find an man that could love me. I would not marry him, though because our time together would abruptly be brought to an end. The main thing i would want to accomplish is to be truly happy, and not waste any moment i have :)
My email is shiningjewel77@aol.com
If I only lived until 2o, I would want to spent the time I had with the people I love and travel.
Travel more, I've been in love since 16 so don't need to put that on the list soo hmmm.... I would definitely get a fake ID. Cause seriously you die right before you can legally drink? Lame. I would have to pretend to be a guy though since they can get to 25 and us females can't. Haha. I would also probably opt not to go to school. Most of it was such a massive waste of time.
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Hmm, I think I would like to live dangerously or volunteer to somewhere that helps those in need. ^_^
If I knew I was only going to live to be 20 (since I'm female), I feel like I'd have been less ambitious. Finishing high school and going to college would be less important. I think I wouldn't care so much about what kind of career I'd have, because it would be so short-lived. I probably wouldn't even be able to finish college. Having a family would also be less important. I want kids, but to have them early and then die and leave them motherless...
I'd rather spend my time traveling the world and spending as much time with my friends and loved ones as I could. I would do things that would make me happy and not waste any time with frivolous things.
aine dot onetwistedpixie at gmail dot com
If I only got to live till 20, I think I'd have a lot less inhibitions. Why worry about money, college, career, or what people thought if you knew it would all end soon? I'd travel everywhere I wanted to go, be with family and friends, and would do whatever I felt like. Why not? Of course, I am now past the 20 year mark, so I'm writing this from the grave :)
Hmm.. I think I would have to travel. Live my life as fully as possible. See new places, try new food, do new things.. Spend as much time possible with family and friends. Make new friends. Not be shy.. Hopefully find love..
That's a great question! but it's definitely a hard one to answer! So little time... I think I would rewrite my bucket list and make it as fulfilling as possible. I would travel and hopefully find love but I wouldn't go looking for it, I would hope that in that short time it would find me. Knowing how I am though I probably won't be satisfied with my life unless I leave behind a reason to have lived my life. A legacy... :)
Great contest!*Excited*
I'll want to get married to this wonderful man. I'll have a house near a forest or where they'll be a lot of trees. I'll go on a road trip to everywhere with my two best friends and her baby. I'll do things that scare me, like going on rollercoasters.
Or I'll invent a machine that always rewinds time and I'll have my years back; never ending. Try to find a loophole.
marynellie8 at yahoo dot com
If I knew I would only have 20 years to live, I would want to LIVE. I would spend as much time with my family as possible, letting them know that they were loved and I wouldn't allow unimportant things to take over.
basicallyamazingbooks [at] gmail [dot] com
I definitely want to travel the whole wide world, that is kind of my dream:) And of course, spend every passing moment with someone I love!
I would want to travel the world and fall in love! This sounds like such an amazing story, I can't wait to read it!
I would want to travel the world! This book sounds so good! I can't wait to read it!
Thanks for the giveaway!
If I only had 20 or 25 years to live I would want to travel the world, write a book and include some of my travels as part of the story, and fall in love.
My email is: tvh8594@yahoo.com
I would definitely want to spend it with someone that I love, that goes without saying. Other than that, I was want to travel the world. London, Paris, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Australia, Australia, the works!! If I only had 20-25 yrs, I would also wish for the ability in the Jumper movie...perhaps not the best movie, but if you only had 20 yrs, why waste time?? LOL
Thanks for the contest!!
Definitely: Screw school. Make friends, eat food, travel everywhere! And read lots and lots of books.
If I knew I had a timeline on my lifespan of being alive. I would try and accomlish everything that I have ever thought of. Perfect job. True love. Kids.
No regrets on what I do. I'll lose a day of life, but gain a day of learning about my life. I would just be happy to be alive, no matter the timespan. (:
Email: Johnnia1114@hotmail.com
I would travel the world, backpack across Europe and see Asia, then swoop down to Australia & New Zealand and over to Central and South America, I've always wanted to go to Patagonia. I'd write a journal bout my travels and be sure to try all the local food.
If I were to have only 20 years to live I would plan to live life to the fullest and travel the world. Take risks with no regrets and just have fun!
As cliche as it's going to sound, I'd write a book, plant a tree and have a kid LOL
But I'd also travel as much as possible :)
I seriously have to travel more. I mean I have to go all over the world. I think if I had true love it would be to painful thinking I will be dying at 20. But I would love to just go see how beautiful the world is.
travel, travel, travel. i don't think i could even contemplate love or a family...knowing that i couldn't see it through, wouldn't see my children grow up. so, yeah, i'd be selfish and save myself from that pain.
thx for the contest!
I've already found love so I think I'd focus on my larger dreams. I have such a long bucket list and most of the it includes seeing different places in the world! I'd also buy all the books I want to read since I have an enormous wish list!
if i only had 20 years to live then i would grow wings and live in the sky or i would have gills and live in the ocean. realistically i would become a ninja and work for the Japanese underground :D
I will like to fall in love, and enjoy every day with him, having fun, until the las second of my life.
flaka.077 at gmail dot com
I'd love to fall in love and travel the world together.
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