News blog of Fallenarchangel, the official Hush, Hush saga fansite
*Banner created by the fabulous Sandy with credit to Smoko-Stock for stock photos

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Becca Fitzpatrick Interview & More

Hey, guys! This is Chelsea, here reporting for duty. :) I just want to take a moment to thank Jenn and Rebecca for giving me this opportunity and for the warm welcome everyone gave me yesterday. I really, truly appreciate it.

And now, on to more exciting stuff. Becca Fitzpatrick did an interview with Girls in the Stacks, which you can watch here, and which I've embedded below for easier access. In it, she talks about previous drafts of Hush, Hush (where Patch wasn't even a fallen angel!), her favorite scenes, some chat about Crescendo, and more. If you can't see the embedded video below, head to the link to watch it.

Interview with Becca Fitzpatrick from GITS on Vimeo.

And did you know that Hush, Hush has sold in 31 different countries? Becca reported on her blog that "teens in Israel, Greece, Romania and Lithuania will be reading Patch and Nora's story." YAY! You can even read a review of Hush, Hush in Spanish here. Even though I'm muy mal (very bad) at Spanish, it's totally cool to see it being talked about in another language. I know the last sentence translates into "The mysterious and dark delight of Patch will leave you without breath." You can't argue with that.

Also, talks about a trend in angels and how they may become more popular, on literature terms, than vampires. You can read it here - it's pretty interesting, and it, of course, mentions Hush, Hush. Go angels!

And a lot of bloggers have been posting recaps about meeting Becca Fitzpatrick on her tour, which makes me very envious. Check some out here and here and here (the last of which will be giving away a signed copy of Hush, Hush soon!) Try not to turn green - Becca hinted at visiting new places in the future (although it's not set in stone) on her latest blog post. Cross your fingers that she'll be stopping somewhere near you!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

FallenArchangel Welcomes Chelsea, The Page Flipper!

We're so excited about the growth that FallenArchangel has been experiencing. This week our site hit the 40,000 mark, and today the forum reached 800 Members. Woohoo you guys rock! HUSH HUSH remains on the NY Times BestSellers List and Becca has recently begun a series of Book Tours which can only mean more good things for our future!

In order to keep up with everything and provide you with the best fansite we can, we thought a little help was in order, so…… we are pleased to announce the newest member of the FallenArchangel Team, Chelsea. Lots of you may know Chelsea from her blog, The Page Flipper. If you haven't visited it yet stop by and check it out. Cheslea will be taking over the reporting of news, reviews, etc. on our News Blog the Coldwater High EZine.

We encourage you to welcome Chelsea to FallenArchangel by leaving a comment here. Also join us on Twitter tonight (Thursday 1/21), we’ll be giving away a signed HUSH HUSH POSTER at random to someone who tweets about @HUSHHUSHFAN and @THEPAGEFLIPPER sometime before midnight!!

Thank You Guys - HUSH HUSH Fans are the best!!

Note: We will announce the Poster Winner on Friday Morning, will select the winner from all of the Tweets with @HUSHHUSHFAN and @THE PAGEFLIPPER.
CONGRATS to Twitter Follower @chloeeesays, the winner of a HUSH HUSH Poster signed by Becca Fitzpatrick!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Becca Fitzpatrick's Appearances

Becca is on a book tour with stops in Texas, Arizona & California! We hope LOTS of you will head out to support her.

If you go to one Becca's appearances we'd LOVE to hear about it and if you send us some pictures we will place them on our website!!

Click here for a list of Becca's upcoming appearances.

Send your recaps and pics here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Courtesy of Simon & Schuster, we have 5 copies of this book to give away to US & Canadian Residents. (We have read it and it's really GOOD!)

Here's how to enter....

Grab the Chasing Booklyn button/banner ---->>

Place it on your Blog, Facebook, MySpace, or anywhere else you can think of :-) Post a link to each place you have posted it, in the contest thread in our forum. You will receive one entry for each place you post it.

Contest runs through Sunday, January 10!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Help Hush, Hush win best cover of the year!

Woohoo, we hit 100 followers here on the blog! Thanks for the support everyone.

In case you missed it, Hush, Hush pretty much swept the All Things Urban Fantasy 2009 Cover Art Awards. Becca thanked everyone who took the time to stop by and vote on her blog.

But now it's time to give our favorite fallen angel a push and place your vote to make Hush, Hush the cover of the year. We've even got the link handy for you so all you need to do is click here and vote by clicking on the link provided at the bottom of the page. And just for voting you'll be entered into a contest to win the winning book. It's even open Internationally. Awesome contest, All Things Urban Fantasy!

Go vote now to make Hush, Hush number one!