News blog of Fallenarchangel, the official Hush, Hush saga fansite
*Banner created by the fabulous Sandy with credit to Smoko-Stock for stock photos

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fan Fest Contest Update and more

We have some good news and some bad news. First, the bad news..

Due to some unforeseen issues, we had to postpone our Fan Fest contest (we'll have more info on that later). Our apologizes to anyone who entered or planned to enter before the deadline, but then we did say there's also some good news, right?

And we are all about the goods news around here!

If we received your entry then we have a prize for all of you. Keep an eye out for emails from us later on today. We still have some spots open for our Lucky Dozen private chat with Becca, so you never know what kind of prize we have in store for some of you!

Speaking of the Lucky Dozen chat with Becca, if you are one of the lucky few who have already scored a spot then stay tuned, we will have details coming soon!

And before we dive into the pie baking and turkey stuffing...

We know Thanksgiving isn't a holiday celebrated around the world, but we wanted to wish all of you  a very Happy Thanksgiving! We are so incredibly thankful to be part of the incredible and amazing Hush, Hush fandom. Whether you plan on spending the day with family and friends and eating lots of turkey--or not--we wish you a wonderful and relaxing extra special day full of people and things that make you thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving from FallenArchangel!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Here in the US the month of November is known for Thanksgiving and we have plenty to be thankful about. And one of the biggest things FallenArchangel is thankful for is YOU. Connecting with all of our fellow HUSH, HUSH fans has been more than amazing and we want to make sure you know just how thankful we are, so we're going to make this month all about the FANS!


FAN Reviews - Post a positive SILENCE review (on Amazon, GoodReads, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, your Blog, as a Facebook Note, etc) and rate it 5 Stars if the option is available to you.  Your review should be at least a few sentences telling your thoughts about SILENCE.  Please try to avoid including spoilers :-)  Submit your review to us for a chance to win a spot in the Lucky Dozen a private Live Chat for Becca and 12 Lucky FANS.  (We will randomly pick winners and reviews to feature throughout the entire month of November). See below for how to submit your entries.

FAN Chat with Becca - We have a few spots left in The Lucky Dozen to give away this month!  The Lucky Dozen will be 12 lucky FANS who will be given access to a private Live Chat with Becca and FallenArchangel.  The date of the chat is to be determined, but it will be held soon after we finish giving the spots away!  Stay tuned to FallenArchangel (especially our Facebook and Twitter) for random chances to win a spot.

Many FANS love to create HUSH, HUSH Saga FANart and we love to see your beautiful creations.  In conjunction with our FANFest we want to spotlight your amazing work!

FANArt Feature Contest - Design and submit an original HUSH, HUSH Saga Wallpaper, Blog Button, Banner, etc and submit it to us.  The winning art it will be featured on FallenArchangel and the design will be featured on FallenArchangel and made available for all FANS to use and enjoy.

Design a HUSH HUSH Saga T-shirt - Design and submit an original t-shirt design based on the Hush, Hush Saga! (see our Cafe Press Store for examples) We will narrow it down to some of the best and then post them for FANS to vote for their favorite!  The winning design will be placed in our Cafe Press store, available for sale to Hush, Hush FANS everywhere AND the winner will receive an item from our Cafe Press Store valued up to $25.  In the event of more then one winner,  winning designs will both (all) be placed in our Cafe Press Store, but the top vote getter will receive the item valued up to $25 from our Cafe Press store. 

Important NOTES Regarding T-shirt Designs:  All submitted designs become property of FallenArchangel.  Copyrighted images cannot be used/included in the t-shirt designs - book covers are copyrighted and therefor cannot be included in the t-shirt designs.  Please use the Cafe Press guidelines (10 inches by 10 inches at 200 DPI or 2000 pixels by 2000 pixels at 200 DPI) for t-shirt designs. 

Submit FanArt and T-Shirt entries from now through November 13 by emailing them to us at  Please mark the subject line with either "FanArt Submission" or "Tshirt Submission"  Submit FANReviews now through November 30 by emailing the text of your review AND a link (or links) to where you posted the review/rated the book, to  

Thanks for being the best FANS!! Good luck!