News blog of Fallenarchangel, the official Hush, Hush saga fansite
*Banner created by the fabulous Sandy with credit to Smoko-Stock for stock photos

Thursday, October 29, 2009

New York Times Best-Seller!!!!

It seems HUSH, HUSH has "fallen" right onto the New York Times Best-Sellers List!! Keep telling everyone you know about the book and suggest they buy a copy so that we can keep it there!!

Congrats to Becca on becoming a New York Times Best-Selling Author!!

Happy Birthday to Hush, Hush in the UK!

Woohooo, Hush, Hush is officially released in the UK today! Simon & Schuster Kids UK asked everyone to celebrate by using the hash tag #hushhush so please spread the love and tweet about our favorite fallen angel today.

If you aren't following @simonkids_UK on twitter yet stop and check them out, they have great tweets about new books, contests, interviews etc. Become a follower today and wish them a happy launch day.

Congratulations S&S UK and to all the lucky fans in the UK who can now get their hands on a hot copy of Hush, Hush!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

ASK BECCA Thread is Open

(Note: The thread is now closed until next week)

Sorry that this is happening so late in the day today, computer issues continue to make my life difficult.

The Ask Becca Thread for this week is OPEN. Stop by and ask a question or two for Becca Fitzpatrick, author of HUSH HUSH.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Book Divas LIVE phone chat with Becca Fitzpatrick - TONIGHT!

Becca will be doing a LIVE Audio Chat tonight on Book Divas. I hope everyone will do their best to be there!!

Here's the information from their website.

Hi Book Divas!

Here’s all the information you need to know to participate in our live phone chat with HUSH, HUSH author Becca Fitzpatrick on Wednesday, October 21 at 7pm EST:

1. Dial 800 894 5910 (toll-free)
2. When prompted, enter the conference ID: 7TABLE
3. When prompted, state your name and where you are calling from.
4. You will be placed on hold until it’s your turn to ask a question.

If you cannot make the call, please submit your questions via email to Becca by emailing and we will ask them for you on the 21st. We will post the podcast later so everyone can listen to the chat!

Remember that all participants in our table talk session will be automatically entered into a drawing to win a Book Divas tote bag stuffed with a Book Divas t-shirt, two Book Divas buttons, an autographed copy of HUSH, HUSH, and a limited edition HUSH, HUSH poster! The winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Book

Book Divas LIVE phone chat with Becca Fitzpatrick!
Wednesday, October 217pm EST

Talk to you soon!

Monday, October 19, 2009

In case you missed any of these great blogs...

One of the biggest book review blogs, The Story Siren loved Hush, Hush. Check out her glowing review here.

Becca did a super fun guest post on Reverie Book Reviews about bad boys. Hmmm, any guesses on who inspired this? Patch, anyone? You can check that out here.

The Pure Imagination blog featured Patch as the fictional character they love. Pics and all! Stop by and see them here.

The Novel Bookworm reviewed Hush, Hush and both her and her 15 year-old daughter loved it! Read about that here.

Fantastic Book Review did a hysterical "unorthodox" review of Hush, Hush. You can find it here.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ask Becca

Becca Fitzpatrick, author of HUSH, HUSH will be stopping by the Forums each week to answer a few questions from FallenArchangel members. The thread for the week will be opened on Sundays for you to post your questions and she will be answering approximately three questions each Monday.

This week's thread is officially OPEN!! (UPDATE: We are done taking questions, but feel free to check out the questions posted by our members and the answers to a few of them from Becca herself!)

Note: You must be a registered forum user to post a question.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

HUSH HUSH Release Celebration

Last night we had a HUSH HUSH Release Event at our local Borders store. The staff there was great and we spent several hours gushing to everyone in the Borders Ink / Young Adult section about HUSH HUSH, Becca & FallenArchangel.
We gave away 3 posters; a HUSH, HUSH ARC; a HUSH, HUSH audiobook & a signed copy of HUSH, HUSH. (And lots of our new FallenArchangel bookmarks.) We also helped to sell quite a few copies of HUSH, HUSH. It was a great night and we look forward to doing it again!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Think You're Excited About The HUSH, HUSH Release? Here's What Becca Has To Say!

Becca Fitzpatrick, author of HUSH, HUSH has been kind enough to be our Guest Blogger today in celebration of the official release of HUSH, HUSH. Thanks Becca for this message to all of the fans at!!

Hi, everyone!

Wow. I've spent the past half hour trying to figure out how to explain how I feel right now, on the day of HUSH, HUSH's launch, but every attempt is falling short! Ecstatic, amazed, freaked out, terrified, honored and even surreal doesn't quite seem big enough. I've spent six years getting here, and along the way, there have been the very highest of moments, and moments when I locked myself in the bathroom, crying over the rejection letter that I swore would be the one that broke me. Just over a week ago, I went back through my old computer files and dug out the earliest draft of HUSH, HUSH I could find – dated February 2004. Reading through it made me realize just how far I've come – not only in terms of writing and storytelling, but as a person. I've been through the publishing world's refining fire, so to speak, and even though I never thought the day would come when I'd say this, I'm happy it was such a struggle. Look where it's brought me! I'm watching a dream I've held in my heart since I was eight years old coming true, and nothing can top that. This is one of the most memorable days of my life, and it's awesome to be here sharing it with you guys. So thanks for being here!

And now a word on Fallen Archangel. Buckets of thank-yous and appreciation to Rebecca and Jenn for creating and maintaining this numero uno fansite! I love it so much that I want to be a regular, participating member – you guys are too much fun to hang out with for me to want it any other way! After chatting with Jenn and Rebecca, we've agreed to set aside Mondays as Ask Becca A Question Day. Every Sunday, Jenn will unlock the Ask Becca topic, and on Monday I'll answer approximately three questions that are posted. The questions can be anything! Maybe you want to know what inspired me to write HUSH, HUSH, or maybe you're an aspiring author, and want a behind-the-scenes peek at what it's really like publishing a book. Anything goes. Every Monday, I'll stop in and do my best to answer whatever's on your mind. So, yeah. Starting thinking up those questions!

Thanks for being a part of this community, and I'll see you guys back here later. Right now, I'm going to turn up the music, order in pizza, and celebrate!!


Guest Blogger

Be sure to check back later today because in celebration of the release of Hush, Hush we will have a surprise Guest Blogger.

Here's a hint her name rhymes with Mecca Mitzpatrick :-)

Launch Contest Winner

Congratulations to NinjaFanpire!! She will be receiving a Hush, Hush prize pack which will include a signed copy of Hush, Hush and lots of other Hush, Hush swag!!!
A great big thank you to everyone who entered the contest!
Oh, and hey in case you didn't know, a really GREAT book called Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick hits bookstores today - you might want to pick it up (wink, wink)!!

Hush, Hush teaser #10

“It means high-ranking angel. “ There was a definite smugness to his voice. “The higher up, the harder the fall.”

-Hush, Hush

Thank you all for checking out our ten teasers to the Hush, Hush release! For those of you that haven't read it yet, enjoy! Be sure to check out the blog tomorrow because we'll have a special post from Becca herself in honor of the big day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Forum Update

In case you haven't visited lately, here's an update on what's been happening in the FallenArchangel Forums.

  • We currently have 114 registered members.
  • In celebration of reaching our first 100 members, the first 100 have been designated the "First to Fall". We have a banner contest running until midnight (EST) Monday, Oct 12 for fanmade "First to Fall" banners. Check it out here.
  • A lucky forum member received a brand new hard cover copy of Hush, Hush signed by Becca Fitzpatrick.
  • Want to discuss a book you have read? Need a suggestion for your next read? Visit our Book Forum, especially the 'Currently Reading" thread, here.
  • We could use YOUR help. In collaboration with Simon & Schuster UK we are running a contest for UK residents. Please spread the word!
  • One last update, for now, the Launch Contest will be ending tomorrow (Monday, October 12) at midnight (EST) and we will announce the winner of the Hush, Hush prize pack. Information on the contest is available here.

Hush, Hush teaser #9

The older woman waiting for admittance looked at me, then over her shoulder at Patch, who was vanishing down the hall.
"Honey," she told me, "he looks slippery as soap."
"Good description," I mumbled. "A girl could lather up in soap like that."

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hush, Hush teaser #8

I saw the reflection of movement in the window across the room and swung around. He stood against the wall behind me, dressed head to toe in black and wearing a ski mask.

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hush, Hush teaser #7

Without meaning to, I stole a look at Patch. I found a measure of consolation in having him at my side. Then, he flashed a grin. “Scared, Angel?”

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hush Hush teaser #6

He moved behind me, put his hands on my hips, and positioned me in front of the table. He slid his arms around me and took hold of the pool stick.

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hush Hush teaser #5

“Clock’s ticking. We don’t want to be in here when the cops arrive.”

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

A chance to win Hush, Hush and some angel wings

Becca posted about this contest on her blog today as well, but you can click here to enter an awesome contest with a chance to win a copy of Hush, Hush as well as a t-shirt and actual angel wings. How cool!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hush Hush teaser #4

Delphic Amusement Park’s newest sensation! The Archangel remodeled and renovated! Fall from grace on this one-hundred-foot vertical drop.

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hush Hush teaser #3

My face was level with his. He fixed me with a dark inviting smile. And that’s when I realized this moment had been dancing around the edge of my fantasies for several days now.

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hush, Hush teaser #2

“Of course it’s weird. But this is Patch we’re talking about. He has a few screws loose. I’m going to take a wild guess and say…gang fight? Prison scars? Skid marks from a hit and run?”

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hush, Hush teaser #1

"She's stroking her arm to draw attention away from her face and down to her figure, or maybe her skin. Both are strong selling points."

-Hush, Hush

*Check back daily because we'll be posting one teaser line a day to celebrate the release of Hush, Hush on October 13th.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Day

This is us (Jenn & Rebecca) showing off the Hush, Hush 'swag' we got in the mail yesterday. Thanks, Becca! Stay tuned, you just never know when we might give something away.....